
HS-137 Virus

Original Purpose

Keno originally created the HS-137 virus to improve the Avali species' eyesight so that they could rely less on echolocation, but the virus unfortunately mutated. Upon completion of the virus, Keno left the virus in a freezer overnight, ready to be tested. With a lack of volunteers, the only one left to test it on was himself.


Upon injecting himself with the virus, he only lasted a few seconds before falling unconcious, falling to a coma for a few days. The mutated virus caused the double helixes of his DNA to be copied into hexa-helixes. The body's natural defenses against mutations attempted to fix the DNA, but this process caused the blood to begin to contain high concentrations of Uranium. This high Uranium concentration allowed Keno's body to process nuclear fission and fusion. Along with that mutation, Keno developed patterns and stripes, along with the virus completing its intended purpose of improving Keno's vision.