


The Xivali look almost identical ancestors, the Avali. Xivali are xenophiles. They also show higher levels of intelligence than their Avali predecessors. They are what we call extremophiles means they can handle very harsh conditions. Xivali bodies are tougher, resistant to things that would be lethal to Avali, and can handle temperatures from -90 to +55 Celsius. The Xivali can survive the harshest of conditions, without the need for food. Instead, their body needs radiation in order to survive and grow. There blood can easily clog up an wound if in hot area's because the ammonia would evaporate and the isotopes in there blood would start to crystalized at the would sealing the wound. All though this is usually painful but it is affective.


Nothing really changes from them that much besides this; Xivali have numerous stripes and patterns all over their entire body. They are on an average of 1.2 to 1.3 meters tall. Their wingspan is 1.4x larger than the standard Avali. they also have a dark skin color instead of a pall one instead. this is not noticeable because of feathers unless if the xivali was plucked but the mouth is dark too.


Their bodies can undergo nuclear fission and fusion for energy and heat. A known weakness is lead and bismuth, which can disrupt the nuclear fission and nuclear fusion in the Xivali, so these materials can be fatal to the subspecies. Their eggs are also very adaptable to their environment, depending on the background radiation of the environment which helps them be the gifted variant that they are. Different variants can needs different levels of ionizing radiation, as an example; Radioactive isotope Variant D can be in any levels of radiation. It is known that Variant A needs high levels of radiation in order to survive. Xivali bodies get the isotopes from nuclear fusion to make the naturally selected isotope, but this process is slow, so their bodies require external radiation. Nuclear fission mostly incurs in their blood, due to there being pressure in veins and arteries and is the best place to get around the body quickly. How they process is by radiosynthesis. They turn the radiation into chemical energy by melanin. The Xivali don't need ammonia, but it is recommended to do so, or it can slowly wear down their body. Xivali also has a larger wingspan allowing full flight on planets with stronger gravity or thinner atmospheres than to that of Avalon. This wingspan is 1.4x larger than the standard Avali. The Xivali origin is from a virus named hs-137, which was developed by Keno. They also say even coming in contact with lead makes their skin burn.

Xivali/Avali Hybrid

Despite that they are different their DNA is very combatable. Hybrid DNA is complete, but they are fertile, they DNA still have an Hexa helix. They can live up to 4,000 years before dying from old age. Their appearance is the same as Xivali, but these patterns and stripes given by Xivali do not appear as much. but they can also process food and ammonia so their body's do not need radiation, but they can survive off radiation just as well. Hybrid bodies can undergo nuclear fission and fusion. they are also more like an avali more then an xivali. they dont have they the wingspan of an Xivali or the height.